Dr. Chanshik Shim

  • Year Qualified: 1987
  • Specialty: Neurosurgery
  • Special Interests: Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgeries and Techniques
  • Languages Spoken: Korean, English
  • Location: Dubai Hills Hospital


M.D. Kyung-Hee University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 1987 Internship, Kyung-Hee University Hospital, Seoul, Korea 1987-1988

Residency in Neurosurgery, Kyung-Hee University Hospital, Seoul, Korea 1991-1995

M.A. Graduate School, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul, Korea 1994

Ph.D. Graduate School, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul, Korea 2004


Korean Medical Association, 1987 Korean Board of Neurological Surgery, 1996 American Academy of Minimally Invasive Spinal Medicine and Surgery, 2002

Dr. Chanshik Shim

Dr. Chanshik Shim

Head of Wooridul Spine Center
Consultant Neurosurgeon, M.D., Ph.D.


International North American Spine Society International Society for Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS) AO Spine Royal College of Surgeon (US) International Musculoskeletal Laser Society (IMLAS) International Society of Minimal Intervention for Spine Surgery (ISMISS) The American Academy of Minimally Invasive Spinal Medicine and Surgery (AAMISMS) KOREAN Korean Neurosurgical Society Korean Society of Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery (KOSMISS) Korean Medical Association Korean Society for Advancement of Spine Surgery Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society Korean Musculoskeletal Laser Society Society of Korean Cerebrovascular Surgery




  • Doctor of the Year Award. Wooridul Spine Hospital. 2008.
  • Doctor of the Year Award. Wooridul Spine Hospital. 2006.
  • Best Paper Award. Wooridul Spine Hospital 2005.
  • Distinguished Research Award. Wooridul Spine Hospital 2004.
  • Best Paper Award. Wooridul Spine Hospital 2003.
  • Distinguished Paper Presentation Award. Wooridul Spine Hospital 2002.


1. Shim CS, Lee SH: Lumbar spinal fusion affects sitting disability on the floor. Int J Spine Surg 2019 Feb

2. Lee JH, Kim JS, Lee, Chung ER, Shim CS, Lee SH: Comparison of cervical kinematics between patients
with cervical artificial disc replacement and anterior cervical discectomy and fusion for cervical disc
herniation. Spine J 2014 Jul 14(7):1199-204

3. Oh HS, Shim CS, Kim JS, Lee SH: Clinical and radiological comparison of femur and fibular allografts for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc diseases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2013 Jan;53(1):6-12
4. Lee SH, Lee JH, Hong SW, Shim CS, Chung SE, Yoo SH, Lee HY: Factors affecting clinical outcomes in
treating patient with Grade 1 degenerative spondylolisthesis using interspinous soft stabilization with a
tension band system: a minimum 5-year follow-up. Spine 37:563-572, 2012

5. Lee HY, Lee SH, Son HK, Na JH, Lee JH, Baek OK, Shim CS: Comparison of multilevel oblique
corpectomy with and without image guided navigation for multi-segmental cervical spondylotic
myelopathy. Comput Aided Surg 16:32-7, 2011

6. Lee DY, Lee SH, Shim CS, Lee HY: Decompression and interspinous dynamic stabilization using the
locker for lumbar canal stenosis associated with low-grade degenerative spondylolisthesis. Minm Invasive
Neurosurg 53:117-21, 2010

7. Kim KH, Lee SH, Lee DY, Shim CS, Maeng DH: Anterior bone cement augmentation in anterior lumbar interbody fusion and percutaneous pedicle screw fixation in patients with osteoporosis. J Neuorsurg Spine 12:525-532, 2010

8. Kim KH, Lee SH, Shim CS, Lee DY, Park HS, Pan WJ, Lee HY: Adjacent segment disease after interbody fusion and pedicle screw fixation for isolated L4-L5 spondylolsthesis: A minimum five-year follow-up. Spine 2010 Feb 26.[Epub ahead of print]

9. Shim CS, Jung TG, Lee SH: Transcorporeal approach for disc herniation at C2-C3 level : A technical case report. J Spinal Disord Tech 22:459-462, 2009.

10. Lee DY, Shim CS, Ahn Y, Choi YG, Kim HJ, Lee SH: Comparison of percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy and open lumbar microdiscectomy for rucurrent disc herniation. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 46:515-521, 2009

11. Shim CS, Park SW, Lee SH, Lim TJ, Chun K, Kim DH: Biomechanical evaluation of an interspinous stabilizing device, Locker. Spine 33:E820-E827, 2008.

12. Min JH, Jang JS, Jung BJ, Lee HY, Choi WC, Shim CS, Choi G, Lee SH: The clinical characteristics and risk factors for the adjacent segment degeneration in instrumented lumbar fusion. J Spinal Disord Tech 21:305-309, 2008.

13. Choi G, Lee SH, Lokhande P, Kong BJ, Shim CS, Jung B, Kim JS: Percutaneous endoscopic approach for highly migrated intracanal disc herniation by foraminoplastic technique using rigid working channel endoscope. Spine 33:E508-515, 2008

14. Choi G, Son HK, Shim CS, Choi WC, Jung BJ: The usefulness of laser in percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar discectomy for intracanalicular disc herniations at L5-S1. J Korean Soc Laser Med Surg. 11:46-57, 2007.

15. Shim CS, Lee SH, Park SH, Whang JH: Soft stabilization with an artificial ligament in Grade I degenerative spondylolisthesis: Comparison with instrumented posterior lumbar intebody fusion. SAS Journal. 1:118-124, 2007.

16. Shim CS, Shin HD, Lee SH: Posterior avulsion fracture at the adjacent vertebral body during cervical disc replacement with ProDisc-C: A case report. J Spinal Disord Tech. 20:468-472, 2007.

17. Shim CS, Lee SH, Shin HD, Kang HS, Choi WC, Jung BJ, Choi G, Ahn Y, Lee S, Lee HY: CHARITÉ vs. ProDisc: A comparative study of a minimum 3-year follow-up. Spine. 32:1012-1018, 2007

18. Shim CS, Lee SH, Park HJ, Kang HS, Hwang JH: Early and radiological outcomes of cervical arthroplasty with Bryan Cervical Disc Prosthesis. J Spinal Disord Tech. 19:465-470, 2006.

19. Hwang KI, Lee HY, Shim KD, Kim DY, Shim CS, Lee SH: Analgesia-based sedation using Remifentail during percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy. Korean J Anesthesiol. 50:36-41, 2006

20. Shim CS, Lee S, Maeng DH, Lee SH: Vertical split fracture of the vertebral body following total disc replacement using ProDisc: Report of 2 cases. J Spinal Disord Tech. 18:465-469, 2005

21. Shim CS, Lee SH, Jung BJ, Park SH, Shin SW: Percutaneous translaminar facet pedicle screw fixation following anterior lumbar interbody fusion. Joint Dis Rel Surg. 16(2):125-132, 2005-06-28, 2005

22. Shim CS, Lee SH: Surgical technique of prosthetic disc nucleus (PDN) replacement and early results of the PDN-SOLO device. Joint Dis Rel Surg. 16(2):137-140, 2005

23. Shim CS, Lee SH, Jung BJ, Sivasabaapathi P, Park SH, Shin SW: Flouroscopically-assisted percutaneous translaminar facet screw fixation following anterior lumbar interbody fusion: Technical report. Spine. 30:838-843, 2005

24. Shim CS, Lee SH: Update on prosthetic disc nucleus (PDN-SOLO) device. J Minim Invasive Spinal Tech. 4:19-21, 2004

25. Shim CS, Rhee BA, Ko JS, Lim YJ, Kim GK, Kim TS: An anatomical study of lumbar laminar angle for the placement of translaminar screw and a clinical application of percutaneous translaminar facet screw fixation: Kor J Spine. 1:237-242, 2004

26. Lee SH, Kim DY, Shim CS, Choi WC, Choi G, Lee HY: Effect of PDN on the mobility and height of the interverbral disc: Preliminary report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 35:483-486, 2004

27. Shim CS, Lee SH, Park CW, Choi WC, Choi G, Choi WG, Lim SR, Lee HY: Partial disc replacement with the PDN prosthetic disc nucleus device: Early clinical results. J Spinal Disord Tech. 16:324-330, 2003

28. Shim CS, Lee SH, Lim SR, Jung BJ, Choi WC, Chung SK: Anterior lumbar interbody fusion for focal type of degenerative flat back: Preliminary report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 33:460-465, 2003

29. Shim CS, Lim YJ, Kim TS, Kim GK, Rhee BA, Leem W: Ligation of anterior superior sagittal sinus in approaching distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysm. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 23:1019-1027, 1994 30. Shim CS, Kim GK, Lim YJ, Kim TS, Rhee BA, Leem W: A clinical analysis of carpal tunnel syndrome. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 22:364-370, 1993


1. Shim CS, Lee SH: Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Annuloplasty. In: Lewandrowski, Lee, et al, eds: Endoscopic Spinal Surgery. JP Medical Ltd 2013

2. Lee SH, Shim CS: Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery and Technique. Seoul, Wooridul Spine Health 2012

3. Shim CS: Case Presentations and Surgical Technique: Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy. In: Kim, Choi, Lee, eds: Endoscopic Spine Procedures. New York, Thieme Medical Publishers 2011

4. Shim CS: Percutaneous Translaminar Facet Pedicle Fixation. In: Kim et al, eds. Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Spinal Technique. Philadelphia, PA; Elsevier 2010

5. Shim CS, CK Park: Anterior lumbar interbody fusion and total disc replacement. In: Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society, ed. Surgical Atlas of Spine. Seoul, Koonja Publishing Inc; 2010

6. Shim CS: Facet Replacement. In: Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society, ed. The Textbook of Spine. Seoul, Koonja Publisher; 2008 (Korean)

7. Lee SH, Shim CS: Complications of Artificial Disc Replacement. In: Kim, Cammisa, Fessler, eds. Dynamic Reconstruction of The Spine. New York, NY; Thieme Medical Publisher; 2006

8. Shim CS, Lee SH: Update on Prosthetic Disc Nucleus device. In: Savitz MH, et al., eds. The Practice of Minimally Invasive Spinal Technique. New York: AAMISS Press, 2005:506-509


More than 40 oral and poster presentations at international scientific conferences

More than 30 invited lectures at various scientific conferences and CME conferences including UAE

Trained 39 Korean and International spine fellows during 2000-2010

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